Michigan Find
On September 2, 2013 Chuck from Plymouth, Michigan contacted me. Here’s what he had to say: “Hello, discovered your website while researching my CH oil...Very nice and fantastically informative. I bought this CH oil at a garage sale in Plymouth, Michigan a little city between Detroit and Ann Arbor recently for $10.00. I knew immediately it was a quality painting,.... distinct coloring, impressionist style and Plein Air look was 100% captivating. The date is not real clear but I think it is 1931, her signature is very distinct. I think her perspective and proportion is really good, I really like it. Thanks for your website and please feel free to put the picture up in one of your highlighted sections.”
Chuck’s painting is untitled but the sailboat resembles the Bluenose http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluenose and as Clara documented at least three paintings as Lunenberg, Nova Scotia I’ve named it: Sailboat, Possibly the Bluenose, 1931. Oil on board, 10.5 x 13”, Original frame. Label on back says "Simpsons" which was one of the major department stores in Toronto.
Chuck’s information is significant as he is the first collector to contact me from the U.S. As Clara exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago and painted on location at Booth and Casco Bays as well as Bailey Island it makes sense that there are more paintings stateside. Thank you Chuck for contributing to the Clara Harris archive. Chuck is interested in selling the painting. For those interested contact me and I’ll pass you on to Chuck.