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What are Clara’s paintings worth?  That’s a question that requires careful consideration.   How is worth established? 




Clara’s exhibit catalogues give valuable clues as to where, when, what and with whom she exhibited her work.  Closer examination of the artists listed reveals that Clara’s peers were the best of the period and are well known today.



In the Art Institute of Chicago May 7 – June 16 1907 Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition of Water-Colors, Pastels and Miniatures by American Artists Clara exhibited her work in “Room 30” with many well known artists including Carlton T. Chapman, Eanger Irving Couse, Charles Warren Eaton and Edward Henry Potthast.








This Room is occupied….”.  From this we know that Clara exhibited in New York, Baltimore, Cincinnati, St Louis and other cities.

Isabella, C. Perry exhibits “English Shops”.

In the May 1st to 15th, 1935 Artists’ Annual
Non-Jury Exhibition, Canadian Exhibition, Art Gallery, Toronto, exhibitors include J.W. Beatty, Kathleen Daly, Lawren Harris and others that are well-known today.

Clara Harris exhibits two pieces,
“Summer Shade” priced at $200
“Louisburg, Cape Breton” priced at $150

In the March 1933 Catalogue of the Sixty-first Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, Exhibition by Young Canadians fellow exhibitors include Paraskeva Clark, Arthur Lismer, Homer Watson and other recognized artists.

Page from catalogue on left shows Mrs. Clara Harris exhibits “The Old Mill” priced at $100.

Clara received her certificate for the Antique classes with well-known artists Edyth Coombs, Arthur Gresham, Frederick Loveroff, Isabel Loudon, Helen Sinclair, Bryant Fryer, Eric Heathcote and John Banton.

In the 71st Annual Spring Exhibition

Ontario Society of Artists, the Art Gallery of Toronto, March 5-29, 1943, Clara’s paintings hung alongside notables Archibald Barnes, A.Y. Jackson, Frank Carmichael and A.J. Casson, as well as others.






From Catalog on left, Clara Harris exhibits
“Full Steam Ahead for Victory”  priced at $200.

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