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Clara at Meadowvale!

Some Clara Harris collectors were able to attend the Meadowvale Village Historical Art Walking Tour on September 28, 2013. Elaine Eigl, Heritage Coordinator, City of Mississauga, ( who organized the tour provided an excellent in-depth description of artists’ contributions not just at the turn of the 20th century but today as well. The tour pamphlet provides an excellent synopsis and Clara is included as one of the artists as well as her painting: Meadowvale Mill, February 1939. This is a big achievement for the Clara Harris community as she is listed with some heavy hitters in the art world for that period and exhibited with Tom Stone whose painting is on the front of the pamphlet. To view sections of the pamphlet and learn about Meadowvale’s history in more depth go to:

Claras painting of Meadowvale Mill.


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Contact me at:


Verna McLean, Curator

Clara Harris Art 

765 North Broadway, Apt. 1

Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706


© 2017 by Verna McLean.

Created by Graphiks with a 'K', Danbury, CT


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